Meet The Truck Driver Safety Educational Expert
Joe Martin
Joe Martin is a professional driver, husband, father, and author of driver’s education book—Excell PDT Professional Driving Educational. Driving for around 35 years on various conditioned roads and hauled off 22% grades, ice and snow, and one-lane roads, Joe Martin harnessed all of his experiences in his 49-page book.
His ultimate goal in writing Excell PDT Professional Driving Educational is to help professionals safely raise the standards of the industry and help the general public improve their winter driving knowledge.
Online Winter Driving Safety Educational with Joe Martin
Whether you’re a new or seasoned truck driver, winter roads pose significant dangers. Poor visibility, hazardous road conditions, and heavy traffic are all critical factors on long hauls.
Learn the safest and most efficient techniques online for driving on icy and snowy roads with Joe Martin’s specialized winter driving safety educational.
“Respect must be earned and learned; if you don’t have it, you can’t give it away.” – Joe Martin
Excell Professional
Driving Educational
This book is to assist drivers with how to handle their vehicle in hazardous conditions through previous experience and tips.
What Does the Customer
Have to Say?
When it comes to educational, I felt like I was a man among boys up there on the Donner. People were having so much trouble putting their chains on taking them off keeping them on when they got them on and they were having a horrible time. I saw every kind of crazy thing you could think of up there, but I could chain my truck in 15 minutes. My best time was 10 minutes. Using Joe’s educational. I also felt confident with every aspect of driving on winter roads, icy snow, and just managing the truck through curves and all those kinds of things. I feel like the educational was very easy to follow and absorb and I appreciate the integrity that went into the educational also!
Suffice it to say that I highly recommend the educational for every driver! Absolutely made my life a lot easier and I felt like it was keeping me safer.
Thank you Joe for all the blood sweat and tears you put into the educational. I appreciate it!
I’ve been driving semi-trucks for over 34 years now, half in the Army and the rest as a commercial drive (professional). I’ve driven in all 48 states in main land USA,South Korea, Germany, Holland, Kuwait, and Iraq.
I was trained in the Army Transportation Corps, a professional trucking school, a few trucking companies and by Joe himself (in person, his book and his online program).
Of all the educational I have had I find Joe’s ExcellPDT educational program to be the best, especially pertaining to winter driving educational/principal’s I have ever learned.
Ps. my personal connection with Joe began in Iraq, working for a company as government contractors. He was there as Truck driver, I was there as a heavy recovery specialist (tow truck driver/ heavy equipment transporter).
He is a Marine, husband, father, grandfather, Pastor, and of course an excellent professional truck driver (overall a great guy). We quickly became good friends and knowing him has greatly improved my life in many ways. I’m proud to call him my friend, teacher, and spiritual counselor.
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